Monday, June 4, 2007

Brianies Reaserch Paper _On Child Prostitution inThialand

Child Prosistution is one of many problems in the world, but now we are focusing oin is Thialand. It's sad to hear that children are selling their bodiesto complete strangers, or anyne else at that matter. You might think that the world prositution only relates to females, but you would be wrong, as well as females, male can also be prostitues. When we see children involved in prositution we ask ourselves why? Well, there are many answers to this question but the main answer is that they need the money. They might have it to help there family most of them are living in poverty. But i still feel that it is unbeliveable that kids under the age of 18 are being held responciable for things like that, its like the weight of the family is on that child.
And it is amazing how the amount of prostitutes increaseing over the years. The Public Heath Department esimates that there are approximatey 75,00 prositutes in Thialand, no one os actually accurate about this information. Knowing that problems about this is that most of them are under the age of 18, do they never really had a childhood. Its sad to think that sometimes it is the parnets who sell their own tchildren into this.
Being a child is the time inyour life whne you play and have fun, laugh. You shouldn'y have a care in to world, oyu don't know about the real world yet. These kid are so young and innocent, they don't understand. they get tricked and drugged. If people who are in this business should be caught and be thrown in jail for life.
There used to be slavery, i'm sure we all know about that, so i'm not going to get into that. But now this child prostitution/ prositution is being called "Morden Slavery" The reason is because these people are working for someone eho does not treat them well. Well dressed Thai crimnals show up at a very poor village pretending to be people they are not. He tricks parents into thinking he is takeing their duagther or son to make them better. But that is not the case. Sometimes he wil take them and make them do things they don't want to. They might starve them, make them work without any pay. And the child would never be able to see her family again.
Thialand is currently called "Disneyland for pedophiles" because it has up to 600,000 AIDS cases. I peronally think that the people involved in this game are people who don't care about them self. As long as they get their money they're good. They don't care about the childrent they are hurting, and they familys they mess up. When the young women who are prositutes get pregnate might end up passing a diseae to their child.

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