Sunday, June 3, 2007

Savasia's C.E on child prositution

This story was about how in the middle east and north Africa there is a big problem because most of the childrenin those regions are being exploted. About 87% of the children in those two places have been sold to a rich person. That person will tell the girl's parnets that he needs her to clean and he would pay her, and send her back to her family. Most of the times her family would be poor, so they needed the extra money. Unfortunaly that would not be what would happen. Most of the time the girl will be forced to have sex wit the man and even women sometimes.
I think that as the United States, since we are a very rich country, we should try to educate these other countries. Because parnets and families there kids into slavery and don't even know it. And i seems no one cares. If you think about it, what if is was the other way around. What if the U.S.A was a 3rd worls country, and we having the same problems. I honestly don't think that no one would helpm us. So i think we should try to be diffrent, and set an excample. Sometimes girls try to prevent these problems by early marrige. But a problem about that is that soon lead to early pregneancy.

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